Children's Ministry
Sunday School
The parish maintains a Sunday School program for Pre-School thru 6th grade. Classes use the Episcopal Church curriculum which contributes fun and supportive children’s lessons. We have a subscription to Weekly Children’s Worship Bulletins which provides lectionary based printable “booklets” each week. And we also maintain a subscription to Children’s Bible Activities, which works as a support to the EC lessons, providing crafts, story guides and recipes.
Teachers meet together during the year to discuss curriculum/class goals and concerns, plan upcoming program units, create ways to foster stewardship in our children, and planning students’ involvement in the church holidays. Discussions always include ideas to improve our class attendance. Our leaders are committed parishioners who are investing time and talent to continuing our program.
Children's Special Activities
Annual Easter Egg Hunt
Children from 1 to 13 gather on the back lawn after the 10am Easter Sunday Family Service to collect eggs that the older children have hidden. This traditional event has been going on forever at Holy Cross; parents who once participated in the hunt now bring their children to it. Families donate decorated eggs for the hunt, helping to make this a special event for the parish and the community.
Recognition Day
On the last Sunday of the Church School year, students and teachers are honored before the congregation for their participation and dedication.
Summer Sunday School
A special Summer Sunday School takes place during July and August. Recent lessons focused on service to our church and our community. Each week, the children completed a service project and picked another one to participate in the following week. Project included: writing to our home bound parishioners, a food collection for FISH, cleaning the church grounds and putting together a special “get-well” letter box and letter for our retired rector.
Youth Sunday
Youth Sunday is held regularly and is a chance for the kids to serve in the special ministry roles in the service, including serving as ushers, readers, and intercessors. There is also a special sermon for the children on that day.
Creche Blessing & Birthday for Baby Jesus
During the Christmas Eve Service, the children help bring up all the figures for the creche, which is then blessed. After the service, a “Birthday Party for Baby Jesus” is held with cake, drinks, and goodies (and, yes, coffee for the adults).